Tough on germs, gentle on clothes and skin.

Our clothes pick up and absorb just about everything we come into contact with on a daily basis. That’s why keeping them hygienically clean is a top priority for us. Bosch washing machines feature a wide range of wash programs and options to help you get the most out of your machine. ActiveOxygen, for instance, helps you eliminate up to 99.99%* of germs and bacteria, including at low temperatures and without the need for any chemical additives. Those with sensitive, irritable skin need look no further than our AllergyPlus program, which effectively reduces allergenic residue such as pollen, animal hair, and dust mites at the touch of a button.

To the washing machines with ActiveOxygen

Sometimes clean just isn’t clean enough.

Clean doesn’t always mean hygienically clean, which can be a real concern for children, seniors, or those with an allergy.

The Bosch ProHygienic vacuum cleaner with the UltraAllergy system provides triple protection against dust mites, mold spores, pollen, and other allergens. It combines our top filter technologies – the PowerProtect Dustbag and our hygienic seal – to provide outstanding cleaning performance with low energy consumption, while also ensuring allergens are not emitted back into the room. As such, it’s perfect for those with the highest hygiene standards, and helps you look after both your home and your family.

To the ProHygienic vacuum range

Elimina cualquier tipo de suciedad, incluso la invisible.

Los padres tienen la seguridad y la higiene adecuada a la hora de preparar la comida para sus hijos. Después de todo, los biberones y los artículos para el bebé necesitan estar totalmente e higiénicamente limpios, sin excepción. Los lavaplatos Bosch con la función HygienePlus le ayudan a maximizar la higiene y la seguridad HygienePlus aumenta la temperatura de lavado hasta 70°C durante aproximadamente 10 minutos, logrando así los niveles más altos de higiene. Por ello, también es ideal para aquellos con alergias. La función HygienePlus le da la máxima tranquilidad al preparar las comidas para sus pequeños.

Lavavajillas con HyginenPlus


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